• We were engaged by a coalition of business, labor and agriculture groups to lead the campaign to defeat Measure Q, a citizen-qualified anti-growth measure to allow voters to vote (veto) open space development.

  • Measure Q had received thousands of signatures and had broad and seemingly intractable appeal: it started off leading by a whopping 24 points in early polling.

  • Even more daunting, this same measure was undefeated in other California counties where it had been on the ballot.

  • We conducted polling and focus groups that told us that our only path was to go BOLD with our messaging. We simply couldn’t concede the #1 issue - traffic - even though our opponents considered it their signature argument. So we boldly led with that exact same issue.

  • We produced a multi-media digital and direct mail campaign reinforced by validators from across the county that Measure Q would make traffic worse in the county seat of Hollister.

  • We used 6-second digital to reach younger voters with crisp messaging, to reduce the chance that they would skip voting on this complex land use issue.

  • Canvassers reported from the field that Measure Q was successfully defined among large swaths of voters as a traffic-inducing measure, and an economically destructive measure that seemingly couldn’t fail DID, losing convincingly after a 36 point drop in support.


Initially losing in polls 33%-57% to a popular NIMBY measure that had already passed in other California counties, our bold messaging and relentless multi-media campaign changed voter opinion 36 points in our client’s favor: from a 24 point loss into a 12 point win.

Our bold messaging and relentless multi-media campaign changed voter opinion 36 points in our clients’ favor: from a 24 point loss into a 12 point win. A popular NIMBY measure that had been previously undefeated across California went down to defeat for the first time.

AD16: The Big Piece